Holiday villas in Trecastagni

Holiday villas in Trecastagni

Luxury villas and vacation rentals in Sicily near Trecastagni

A charming, panoramic terrace on the Mount Etna. This is the main feature of Trecastagni, a quiet village with an amazing view not only of “the giant of fire” but also of the southern most part of Calabria up to the gulf of “Augusta” in the surroundings of Syracuse. It is 15 kilometres far from the lively Catania and is located in the hilly country of the Etna park, full of naturalistic attractions, like the volcanic small cones of the mount “Ilice”, “Gorna” and “San Nicolò”. They have been forming in different geological periods and are the favourite destinations for those who are walking tour and trekking lovers, that sample landscape settings that are still intact and locations of literature. An example is the ancient manor farm, nearby the mount Ilice, where Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) set the novel “Storia di una capinera”. Trecastagni, surrounded by wide cultivations of chestnut groves, vineyard and orchards, according to a reliable theory owes its name to the presence in farther age of three big chestnut trees, whereas according to folk tradition the name derives from the three patron saints of the village: Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino. They were martyrs and for this reason they were called in latin tres casti agni, that means the three chaste lambs, and in memory of them in 1662 was built a sanctuary that preserves a rich set of votive offerings. Another sacred monument of the village that is worth sightseeing is the “Chiesa Madre” (XV century), in a panoramic situation on top of a monumental staircase, is distinctive for the lava rock decorations of the exterior and interiors. Among the historical, civic reports is remarkable the “Mulino a Vento” that was built to be a sighting fort at the age of the Saracen and then was turned by the Norman into a windmill. Until nowadays can be seen in its interior the ancient stone mills.

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matching your search

Palmento La Rosa
Trecastagni - East of Sicily
Typical farmhouse with pool - On the slopes of Mount Etna

from € 440 to € 600 Price type: daily price Your price
Trecastagni - East of Sicily
Large, well equipped outdoor areas – Warm, welcoming atmosphere

from € 400 to € 860 Price type: daily price Your price
Palmento Monterosso
Trecastagni - East of Sicily
Characteristic farmhouse on the slopes of Mount Etna - Warm, inviting atmosphere

from € 220 to € 340 Price type: daily price Your price